11 October 2009


As Quickly the site www.googlewaveinvites.com sprang up with the same uregncy it's gone .It's sad that google is not allowing any one to share invites now.The message on the web site reads "well folks it was fun while it lasted. the wave team confirmed that their not allowing anyone to share invites now". 

03 October 2009

want to ride the wave ?

As it happened with Gmail Google Wave is available to those select few who have got invites .As Google puts it - 
“We’ll ask some of these early users to nominate people they know also to receive early invitations — Google Wave is a lot more useful if your friends, family and colleagues have it too. This, of course, will just be the beginning. If all goes well we will soon be inviting many more to try out Google Wave.”
Do you remember those websites that sprung up for getting Gmail  invites? Well ‘History Repeats itself’ there are similar websites for wave invites too . Googlewaveinvites.com  is website for distributing wave invites,where one can sign up and wait for a donor to send him/her a invite .